New features : see the changes
This tool generates IRC stats based on irssi logs.
I wrote it because I could not find any tool dedicated to this log format.
It is writen in C to be faster.
Contributions (new languages, themes, patches) are welcome !
Todo and wishlist : Wiki
Forum : phpBB
Windows binaries :
FreeBSD port :
Gentoo port :;name=irssistats
Mac OS X port :
Usage : irssistats.pdf
FAQ : What should be the log format ?
The log format should be the default log format irssi uses. You should not use any theme that changes this log format in order to use irssistats. Here is what the default log format looks like :
21:39 -!- royale [] has joined #channel 21:43 <@john> hello 21:57 < royale> hi
Examples :
- #irssi, english, pisg theme
- #nerim, french, pisg theme
- #zerezo, french, pisg theme
- #btf-team, french, pisg theme
- #coldwire, french, pisg theme
- #uml, english, default theme
-, english, default theme
- #loungelisko, english, default theme
- #soulriders, english, custom theme
- #spark, english, blue theme
- !eof, german, grayscale theme
- #systemroot, german, default theme
- #totuuspeli, finnish, custom theme
- #MannysCasino, finnish, blue theme
- #comcor, russian, default theme