zeRace 0.7 site: http://royale.zerezo.com/zerace/ mail: royale@zerezo.com install: In order to compile the game, you will need SDL, SDL_net, SDL_mixer, SDL_image, SDL_gfx and the related developpement headers. Then, just type "make" to build the game. The Makefile as some parameters. For example, in order to cross-compile Windows binaries using MinGW you can type : make CC=i586-mingw32msvc-gcc SDLCONFIG=/path/to/sdl-config WINDRES=i586-mingw32msvc-windres ICON=icon.o EXT=.exe bots: To play a game against bots, you will first need to launch a local server : ./server "My private server" 5 1 private col Then launch as many bots as you want : ./bot_anticip localhost 3600 0 ./bot_anticip localhost 3600 8 ./bot_anticip localhost 3600 16 Then you can join your own server in zeRace in the "network game" section. If you are under Windows, replace by "server.exe" and "bot_anticip.exe" in MS-DOS commands. You can also use the "local-server-with-bots.*" scripts. windows: Take a look at the files stdout.txt and stderr.txt, they can give useful informations. You need to use the task manager if you want to stop the server. syntax: ./server 'server_name' nb_laps network_speed (public|private) (col|nocol) server_name : the name of the server nb_laps : the number of laps to complete for each race network_speed : frequency of network messages (1 for fast network, 10 for slow network...) private : this server will not be listed in the 'internet games' col : the server will compute collisions between cars ./bot_anticip host port random host : host or ip of the server to connect to port : port number of the server to connect to random : frequency of random moves (0 = no random moves, 1 = only random, 1000 = 1/1000 random moves)