# This is the configuration file for irssistats. # The path to this file can be given on the command line : irssistats /path/to/irssistats.conf # If no configuration file is given, irssistats looks for files ~/.irssistats.conf or then /etc/irssistats.conf # Lines starting by ; # -- or // are ignored (comments). # This file is read sequencially, so it acts like a script. # Each option keyword is case sensitive, and you must put separators around the ':' character. # Blank lines must not contain any spaces ! # Each option keeps its value until erased by another value. # IMPORTANT : the order of options to parse a channel must allways be "input" THEN "nickfile" THEN "output". # Allows you to display debugging informations. # Values : normal / verbose / none # Default : normal debug : verbose # Specifies the name of the channel you are parsing. channel : #zerezo # Nickname of the person generating the statistics (you !). maintainer : royale # Language you want to use to display the statistics # Values : fr en de du es it fi # Default : en language : fr # Theme (colors) to use for the statistics # In fact this is the name of the CSS file to include. # This option has no effect if you use a custom header : you'll have to include the CSS yourself. theme : orange # Specifies the refresh time in seconds (0 to disable) # This option has no effect if you use a custom header : you'll have to include the refresh code yourself. # Default : 3600 refresh_time : 0 # Set this to "no" if you don't want the W3C logo. # Default : yes w3c_link : no # Use your custom header file (HTML code between included) header : /path/to/header.html # Use your custom footer file (HTML code between and included) footer : /path/to/footer.html # This allow you to parse a file. # Note that irssistats will really parse the file as soon as it reads this option. input : /path/to/#channel1.log # Let's parse another log. # Note that this will merge "#channel and "#channel2" statistics... # This is usefull if you splitted your channel file input : /path/to/#newchannel1.log # This allow you to group nick using a nickfile. # Note that irssistats will really merge the nicks as soon as it reads this option. nickfile : /path/to/nickfile1.txt # This allow you to generate the HTML file. # Note that irssistats will really generate the HTML file as soon as it reads this option. output : /path/to/channel1.html # Change some options language : en debug : none # Do not use custom header and footer anymore header : none footer : none # Another chan without nickfile input : /path/to/#channel2.log output : /path/to/channel2.html # Another chan with nickfile input : /path/to/#channel3.log nickfile : /path/to/nickfile3.txt output : /path/to/channel3.html