irssistats 0.43 site: mail: install: make cp pix/* /path/to/webdir/ usage: cat /path/to/file.log | ./irssistats \#channel maintainer language theme [nickfile] > /path/to/webdir/index.html (don't forget to escape the '#' in the channel name) nickfile: Since version 0.4 of irssistats, you can use a nickfile to specify nicks to join. Each line of the nickfile contains the final nick and a regular expression. Examples : royale ^[Rr]oyale : join nicks starting with "Royale" or "royale" to the final nick "royale" royale ^antoine$ : also join the nick "antoine" to the final nick "royale" djakette [Dd]ja : join any nick that contains "Dja" or "dja" to final nick "djakette" ^bot\|royale$ : remove "bot|royale" from statistics The nickfile must not contain any comments. The final nick will remove matching nicks from all statistics, except from "Some URLs" and "Some topics"... You can also take a look at the "sample.nickfile.txt" in this package. links: