# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ(2.61) AC_INIT(fapg.c) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(fapg, 0.39) AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_CC AC_HEADER_STDC # XSPF AC_ARG_ENABLE(xspf, [ Extra options: --enable-xspf enable XSPF support (default) --disable-xspf disable XSPF support], [ FAPG_XSPF=$enableval ], [ FAPG_XSPF=1 ]) if test "${FAPG_XSPF}" = "1"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE(XSPF support enabled (configure with --disable-xspf to disable)) else AC_MSG_NOTICE(XSPF support disabled) fi # uriparser AC_ARG_WITH(uriparser, [ --with-uriparser=DIR override path of uriparser ("/lib" and "/include" is appended)], [ if test "x${withval}" = "x"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([No path given for option --with-uriparser]) fi LDFLAGS="-L${withval}/lib ${LDFLAGS}" CPPFLAGS="-I${withval}/include ${CPPFLAGS}" ], []) AC_ARG_WITH(uriparser-inc, [ --with-uriparser-inc=D override include path of uriparser], [ if test "x${withval}" = "x"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([No path given for option --with-uriparser-inc]) fi CPPFLAGS="-I${withval} ${CPPFLAGS}" ], []) AC_ARG_WITH(uriparser-lib, [ --with-uriparser-lib=D override library path of uriparser], [ if test "x${withval}" = "x"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([No path given for option --with-uriparser-lib]) fi LDFLAGS="-L${withval} ${LDFLAGS}" ], []) # checks if test "${FAPG_XSPF}" = "1"; then URIPARSER_MISSING="Please install uriparser 0.6.3 or later. On a Debian-based system enter 'sudo apt-get install liburiparser-dev'." AC_CHECK_LIB(uriparser, uriParseUriA,, AC_MSG_ERROR(${URIPARSER_MISSING})) AC_CHECK_HEADER(uriparser/Uri.h,, AC_MSG_ERROR(${URIPARSER_MISSING})) URIPARSER_TOO_OLD="uriparser 0.6.3 or later is required, your copy is too old." AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([ #include #if (defined(URI_VER_MAJOR) && defined(URI_VER_MINOR) && defined(URI_VER_RELEASE) \ && ((URI_VER_MAJOR > 0) \ || ((URI_VER_MAJOR == 0) && (URI_VER_MINOR > 6)) \ || ((URI_VER_MAJOR == 0) && (URI_VER_MINOR == 6) && (URI_VER_RELEASE >= 3)) \ )) /* FINE */ #else # error uriparser not recent enough #endif ],,AC_MSG_ERROR(${URIPARSER_TOO_OLD})) fi AC_OUTPUT(Makefile)