Change log file for FAPG version 0.40 (2008-03-01) * fix segfault on "fapg --help" (patch by Dwayne Litzenberger) version 0.39 (2008-02-13) (by Sebastian Pipping) * XSPF support added * now using Autoconf/Automake version 0.38 (2007-03-13) (by Jonny Bijlsma) * added .txx output (to work with iRiver T-series) version 0.37 (2007-03-07) * added a --stdin option to act as a filter (read filenames and directories from input) * trim spaces in artist/title when guessing from filename * restore --backslash option behavior version 0.36 (2007-01-17) (by Hank Barta) * added .pla output (to work with Sansa e200 series player) * fix segmentation fault with backslash option (patch by Antoine Jacquet) version 0.35 (2006-02-08) (by Andreas Neuper) * BUG fix: no more ampersand in RSS feeds are passed * BUG fix: no more spaces or non-printables in links of RSS feeds * BUG fix: potential access violations removed * speed up printing by using table assignment (since predictiv) * added hook to get additional info for RSS feeds (default is to use internal only) * remove multiple slashes like ./// and //// as well * clean with gnu compiler V3.3 (you might add but never remove 'unsigned'!) * RSS feed successfully tested with iPod/iTunes and German language version 0.34 (2006-01-21) (by Andreas Neuper) * BUG fix: "unsigned char" (like in 0.31) to get complete output and avoid core dumps * BUG fix: disabled "skip" variable to use multiple args * added first attempt to generate RSS feeds (i.e. XML output) * allow plain file arguments (before: only directories) * raised defaults for inodes and file systems * adapt man page, etc version 0.33 (2006-01-15) * code cleanup to avoid compilation warnings with gcc 4 (patch by Laurent Coustet) * remove leading "./" when parsing current directory * remove double "//" when parsing a directory ending with a "/" (patch by Laurent Coustet) version 0.32 (2005-02-07) * back to a basic Makefile for clean packinging purposes version 0.31 (2005-02-05) * a flag was added to avoid parsing twice the hardlinked files (patch by Andreas Neuper) * Makefile was improved to easily build packages version 0.30 (2004-10-12) * selection by genre was added (thank you Andreas Neuper) * MP2 files are parsed for mp3 headers (thank you Andreas Neuper) * added support for Musepack files with APE tag version 0.22 (2004-06-02) * case-insensitive field names in Ogg Vorbis headers (patch by Jon Burgess) version 0.21 (2004-05-01) * manpage was added (thank you Thomas Kappler) version 0.2 (2004-02-14) * more compatible with ID3 headers (some bug fixes) * faster to parse MP3 files (nicer buffering) * end of line are in DOS format when using the --windows flag (thank you Lukasz Wiechec) version 0.1 (2003-10-05) * initial release version 0.0 (2003-10-01) * beta pre-release